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Dean of Students Office

Academic Concerns

Academic Misconduct refers to violations related to coursework or within the academic setting, including but not limited to, unauthorized collaboration, misuse of materials (course or otherwise), plagiarism, and improper publication. These violations are outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.

Students are responsible for knowing the information, policies and procedures outlined in this document. The regulations are not a criminal code; they should be read broadly and are not designed to define misconduct in exhaustive terms. By accepting the privilege of attending classes at the University, each student consents to the Student Code of Conduct.

Initial Referral (Recommended within 48 hours of incident)

Individuals who suspect a student engaged in academic misconduct should submit their concerns using the . The form should be completed with as much detail as possible, including a description of the incident/concern, contact information, and any supporting documentation.
When submitting a referral, please remember the following:

  • Students have the right to review case documentation associated with their case. This includes the referral form submitted by a Faculty or Staff member.
  • Include as much information as possible related to the incident.
  • The Reporting Party and/or Complainant will be reached out to via a Maxient letter for additional information and review of the conduct process.
Note: Faculty submitting a referral may also include information related to a grade penalty; however, grades are not part of the academic misconduct process, and their inclusion is for informational purposes only.

Referral Review and Inquiry Meeting

After a referral is submitted, a staff member will review the information provided, the prior history of the student, if applicable, and reach out to the faculty member/reporting party to schedule an Academic Misconduct Inquiry Meeting, also known as an AMIM.

The Academic Misconduct Inquiry Meeting allows a Dean of Students Office (DOS) staff member to meet with faculty/reporting party to review:

  • Reported information and request any additional information
  • Their desired level of involvement in the process
  • Resolution track options
  • Recommendations for any educational outcomes or sanctions

A DOS staff member will also reach out to invite the reported student to review the referral documentation generally, track options, and process timeline.

The final track selection is determined by the Dean of Students Office; however, several factors are part of the review and track selection process, including:

  • Desired involvement of the faculty member
  • Classification of the student (freshman, sophomore, graduate, etc.)
  • Student’s prior history, if applicable
  • Severity of the incident
  • Consistency with other similarly situated incidents

Notice Letter to Student

Notice of Informal Resolution Letter

If a referral includes an incident that meets the qualifications for an informal track, the student will be issued a Notice of Informal Resolution Letter. The following information is included in the Letter:

  • Outlines areas of potential violations
  • Selected track option and description
  • Link to schedule their meeting

Please note: Reporting Parties will receive a copy of the Notice of Informal Resolution Letter for their record.

Notice of Charges Letter

If a referral includes reasonable cause to believe the student has violated the Student Code of Conduct, the University Conduct Officer may issue a Notice of Charges Letter to the student. The following information is included the Letter:

  • Scheduled disciplinary hearing with date/time/location
  • Ability to confirm or request changes for their disciplinary hearing
  • Outlines the allegations and charges
  • Explains student's rights throughout the process
  • Ability to schedule an Informational Review Meeting

Please note: Reporting Parties and/or Complainants will receive a Notice of Charges Letter with similar information.

Resolution Options

(Scheduled at least 7 days after Notice Letter issued)

Track I: Informal and Educational

Academic Expectations Meeting

  • Informal and educational option for students
  • Available if a student does NOT have prior reported conduct.
  • Purpose: to review and reestablish academic integrity, course expectations, and ways to succeed.
  • Faculty participation is optional – a DOS staff member or reporting faculty member can facilitate the one-on one meeting with the student.
  • No formal conduct record – incident will be documented within the student’s educational record but will not be considered a disciplinary record.
  • No sanctions are assigned with this track; however educational outcomes may be recommended to ensure the student understands the situation and how to move forward.

Track II: Informal and Mediation

Academic Integrity Mediation

  • Informal option that focuses on mediation as a tool to resolve the incident.
  • Available if a student does NOT have prior reported conduct.
  • Purpose: to hear all perspectives, to come to an understanding, and to reach a collaborative resolution, which may include educational outcomes.
  • Faculty participation is required – the mediation is hosted by a DOS facilitator and includes the faculty member and the reported student.
  • No formal conduct record – incident will be documented within the student’s educational record but will not be considered a disciplinary record.
  • No sanctions are assigned with this track; however educational outcomes may be recommended to ensure the student understands the situation and how to move forward.

Track III: Disciplinary Hearing

Academic Administrative Hearing

  • Formal option that may result in a disciplinary record. 
  • One and a half hour meeting – with possibility of being lengthened based on reported violations.
  • Faculty participation is optional. 
  • Hosted between the respondent student and a trained conduct hearing administrator.  
  • Hearing Outline: 
    • Student states if they are "responsible" or "not responsible" for the charges. 
    • Participants provide their perspectives. 
    • Hearing Administrator asks questions; participants ask questions through Hearing Administrator or their Advisor. 
    • Hearing Administrator reviews potential appropriate outcomes.
Please note: Florida state law dictates that a Panel Hearing is the default resolution option for students. If a student does not attend or confirm their scheduled Administrative Hearing, the student will be scheduled for the next available Academic Violation Panel Forum slot. 

Track III: Panel Hearing

Academic Violation Panel Forum

  • Formal option that may result in a disciplinary record.
  • Two-hour meeting – with possibility of being lengthened to four hours.
  • Faculty participation is optional.
  • Panel Hearing Officers consist of six individuals: three students and three Faculty/Staff members. Hearing Administrator is present to ensure due process procedures.
  • Hearing Outline:
    • Student states if they are "responsible" or "not responsible" for the charges.
    • Participants provide their perspectives.
    • Panel Hearing Officers ask questions; participants ask questions through Hearing Administrator or their Advisor.
    • Panel Hearing Officers review charges and presented information to make a recommendation to the Provost/Designee on findings of responsibility and potential sanctions.

Outcome Letter (issued within 14 class days of resolution option)

Informal Tracks: Final outcomes are documented through a warning letter. All participants will be sent the warning letter, which outlines an overview of the meeting, including the student’s participation, issues of concern and any outcomes.

Formal Tracks: A decision letter will be sent to all participants within fourteen (14) class days unless there are unusual or extenuating circumstances. The decision letter outlines the potential responsible findings, potential sanctions, and the appeal process.

Appeal Process (initiated within 5 class days of Decision Letter)

Formal Tracks Only: All parties have the right to file a written appeal within five (5) class days of the decision letter being issued. Should any party appeal, all parties will be notified for participation. A conduct decision may be appealed on the following reasons:

  • Errors in the hearing proceedings that substantially affect the outcome
  • Sanction(s) are extraordinarily disproportionate to the violation committed
  • Presentation of new information that was not available at the time of the original hearing which may substantially affect the outcome

Assignment of Grade

This decision rests solely with faculty. Grade assignments are not considered a sanction and are issued at the discretion of faculty members. Upon the conclusion of the academic misconduct process, the faculty member can use the DOS decision to inform their grade assignment, but it is not required. Students choosing to appeal an assignment or course grade may refer to the Grade Appeal process.

Have questions?

Please submit your questions using this form and our Office will reach out to you via email with a response.