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Office of Records and Registration

Repeat Hours Surcharge

Pursuant to Section 1009.285 F.S., each student enrolled in the same undergraduate college credit course more than two times shall pay matriculation at 100 percent of the full cost of instruction. The first-time enrollment in a class shall mean enrollment in a class beginning fall semester 1997.

Courses repeated more than two times to increase grade point average or meet minimum course grade requirements will be included in the repeat hour calculations. 

Individual studies, courses repeated as a requirement of the major, courses intended as continuing over multiple semesters, courses taken for audit, co-op courses and military science will be excluded from the repeat hour assessment.

Withdrawals for extenuating circumstances (WM "Medical Withdrawal", WS "Withdrawal for Military Service", or WR "Withdrawal with Refund")  that do not result in a fee payment will be excluded once per course number.

This surcharge is not petitionable. However, students who withdraw or fail a class due to extenuating circumstances may be granted an exception only once for each class pursuant to established University regulations.