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Proposed Action: No Action Required Proposed Amended Regulation: HYPERLINK "/trustees/files/regulations-under-review/certified.sh.Notice-of-Amended-2.0385R-Admission-International-Students-REDLINES-051724cf.sh.docx"2.0385R Admissions International Students 12:05 PM The amendment to the regulation removes individual standards for health insurance for international students and instead places these standards in ϲʿ2023 Policy 8.0060P, Health Insurance Coverage for International Students policy. The policy revision will accompany this regulation change. Robyn Blank, Chief Compliance Officer, will present this item. Proposed Action: Approval; Motion and Second Required 2023-2024 Post-Tenure Review 12:08 PM Per BOG regulation 10.003 Post-Tenure Faculty Review, the chief academic officer shall report annually to the university president and Board of Trustees on the outcomes of the outcomes of the post-tenure review process for the previous fiscal year. Provost Karen Patterson will present this item. Proposed Action: No Action Required Committee Approval of Faculty Tenure Recommendations 12:23 PM The list of faculty candidates who have been recommended for tenure for the 2023-2024 academic year will be presented. Each of these candidates has been thoroughly reviewed according to rigorous departmental and institutional standards during a one-year process and recommended for tenure by external subject matter experts, the candidates departmental committee of peers, the candidates department chair, the candidates college dean, the University Promotion and Tenure Committee, the Provost, and the President. The faculty thus recommended for tenure will be presented to the committee for approval. Provost Karen Patterson will present this item. Proposed Action: Approval; Motion and Second Required Tenure Upon Hire - Weimin Gao, Chair, Department of Public Health, Brooks College of Health 1 12:33 PM Dr. Weimin Gao has been selected and hired as Chair of the Department of Public Health. He holds a Master of Science in Biostatistics and a Ph.D. in Environmental and Occupational Health from the University of Pittsburgh. He comes to ϲʿ2023 from the Department of Occupational and Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public Health, at West Virginia University, where he was also a tenured Professor and member of the West Virginia University Cancer Institute. In 2023, Dr. Gao was named a Fellow of the Academy of Toxicological Sciences. Dr. Mei Zhao, Interim Dean of Brooks College of Health, will present this item. Proposed Action: Approval; Motion and Second Required 1 Document available upon request. Tenure Upon Hire - Dr. Sebastian Fourn, Professor of Entrepreneurship, Department of Management, Coggin College of Business 2 12:37 PM Dr. Sebastian Fourn was educated at Erasmus University in The Netherlands, where he earned both a Master of Science in Business Administration and a Ph.D. in Strategic Management from the Rotterdam School of Management. He has come to ϲʿ2023 by way of Canada, where he was tenured Associate Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship, Strategic Management Area, at Wilfrid Laurier University. Dr. Russell Triplett, Associate Dean of the Coggin College of Business, will present this item. Proposed Action: Approval; Motion and Second Required 2 Document available upon request. ϲʿ2023 General Education Core Courses 12:41 PM Provost Karen Patterson will introduce Dr. Kaveri Subrahmanyam, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, who will present this item. Proposed Action: Approval; Motion and Second Required Annual Academic Degree Program List (August 2024 - July 2025) 3 12:54 PM The Board of Governors amended Board Regulation 8.011, Authorization of New Academic Degree Programs and Other Curricular Offerings, on March 27, 2024. The amended regulation requires universities to provide the Board office with a list of the new academic degree programs that will be considered by the university boards of trustees for the upcoming academic year. The university's board of trustees must review this list before submission. This is presented for information purposes. Dr. John Kantner, Senior Associate Provost of Faculty & Research, will present this item. Proposed Action: No Action Required 3 Document available upon request. Review of Academic and Student Affairs Committee Charter 12:57 PM The Committee reviewed proposed changes to the Academic and Student Affairs Committee Charter at its February 22, 2024 meeting. Robyn Blank, Chief Compliance Officer, will present the final draft for committee consideration. Proposed Action: Approval; Motion and Second Required Adjournment      Academic & Student Affairs Committee Meeting ϲʿ2023 Monday, June 10, 2024 at 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM Virtual  ?@NO] O P Q       / C a ̸|ffff*h9hiU5\^J_HmHnHsHtH(hmhiU0J^J_HmHnHsHtH-jhmU^J_HmHnHsHtHhm^J_HmHnHsHtH'jhmU^J_HmHnHsHtH$h9hiU^J_HmHnHsHtH h9hiU_HmHnHsHtHh9hiUCJ h9hiU'@O   C D | Aef5k 0^`0gd;gd9gd9gd;gd;gd;a b 8 9 : > @ C D Q R Q R { | QRAQR\defԽԽv$h9h9^J_HmHnHsHtHhiU^J_HmHnHsHtHh|^J_HmHnHtH*h9hiU5\^J_HmHnHsHtH$h9hiU^J_HmHnHsHtHh2aX h9hiUh;hmhiU0JjhmUhmjhmU.QRQR5EQRkSTST>OSTst滻hiU^J_HmHnHsHtHh2aXh; hmH*hm h;hiU*h9hiU5\^J_HmHnHsHtHh9^J_HmHnHtH$h9hiU^J_HmHnHsHtH h9hiU8>t:]E'uX9o{|~gd9 $gd; 0^`0gd;gdmgd9gd9tuxyxy9:;\]ҲwҲ)hmhm6H*]^J_HmHnHtHhiU^J_HmHnHsHtH*h9hiU5\^J_HmHnHsHtH$h9hiU^J_HmHnHsHtHh2aX hmH*hm h9hiU&hmhm6]^J_HmHnHtH#hm6H*]^J_HmHnHtH.E&'uSTWX 89Joz{&hmhm6]^J_HmHnHtH#hm6H*]^J_HmHnHtHhiU^J_HmHnHsHtHhY[^ hmH*hm h9hiU*h9hiU5\^J_HmHnHsHtH$h9hiU^J_HmHnHsHtH6{|}~     밬h;jzh;UhiUh9h9h;CJ^Jh9h;5CJ^Jh9h;^Jjh9h;Uh Cjh CUh9hiU^J"~     $^gd; ^gd; (^gd;gd;gd9(/ =!"#$% DyK yK Dhttps://www.unf.edu/trustees/files/agendas-minutes-materials/2024/2024-2/certified.rk.2.22.24-Academic-Student-Affairs-Committee-Meeting-Minutes.docxyX;H,]ą'cDyK yK Thttps://www.unf.edu/trustees/files/regulations-under-review/certified.sh.Notice-of-Amended-2.0385R-Admission-International-Students-REDLINES-051724cf.sh.docxyX;H,]ą'cDd 6  3 ARvǮ7%x.Tb$,FvǮ7%x.Tb$JFIF  !"-&,#+2)+-0322!%8=93<.354  0%%20-0-022220200122225222222221222222222222222252252"3 @kbGVm@Huua#E†Nna&y NWɤNO"֣ixijQ *WN:;GW7ܒy8vt=3\iIa=hLKbV:sfac m_vawM>V$)fmE46N/X/4Vr! 0L^CIeFf@2 35@!%01T"24A#S dt^'omcV]q#\E{d|$hw+n؞.Gzk[l9-<a# SE#^sW2r4:q#TsVPJ%# Vjc/I"2-選6rGrS^DT[DacY'rsc\RBvه aʲ葕laFt܎Į3+"R2[#N97FҘ9BOG& Y/K"@5RvueФ~a EAo$UE2NѮ] QD%UU]8(XJ_gtDjZ19FԒ%+8[Mp UZ25$6{ՅH{O'U:Ҵ$p ZްAJ.NQ)_?O؂XPɿ'.ȪMsV+'ڟj/ڟ1!I*g5qKȉG"R\>FF !ai&BUcQO7tҳ$f h)e'لYelO*|bIⷋ 8[Or G\j椠%lګm9qWć>P ⯃8ilq[Ņ-l-KgAXP'A,CM];8C LbW0?SZ6tfI{Wag #yR܌o3ZdT-0t謢*AyD|⯃4YXOZ~aZdM/J@,JG:w"O3{M/LT OfViH9-p@#|O5_,1Hjio`);F G[z:̳ԫϲr{QQSZiu?THXѫ8y9aen2bĈWk \ڙ; [쬋:SSv;lg$`ɵv2Il*3:NV5Z`Tzh@3$<ӈQ!J`3+DTof'ypi{aCa>IVdsjnR6DWkg=Mzs.{EUPL wA PiDkV9} fƩnDZl@-%#tZjX I olj2[8橊pdUrH8-)~MFYG․Î+-Z>` }UTiC 儉@t4}|=䵲aӻNE;-A&4$ԑdtl$(Z`Um9\ LA0, AȄe : E tR%%v'F8͐oDnf~[n*}♿%T@K"u |Ni3Cx=' \IDbHXN%e!ȝ5Zڗ˯LҔN.LMB&-nivdZLdE ԵXXtU"{ytdTNrC=]Yh + 䚴,9rܾkCXX )*dʍeŵv`gŃl[c$Q4%J%hNBq ՠ!=<} =oBtleNYXRc9fG)OkdHВ$WB;4c80-c((`*j #lD"#tEےٶmfٶmmfٶmfٶmfٶm$!1 203ABQ`?rG 7 =f7G-{rMCY{H~PfVT;Q<x|zCY 4mEKllv9)1=FFGg ڇƽMw;vU9( m  ,AփZ\Y,rib(6:cbXz/!A1 "3Qq4Ba#02`?cd~W)loLə6B?=r`#G|;O,_xc>DtOo,m : CNktbu\@x?X_c/ejڌiM-Џ0EYmn-9g9@4v8e>`,#֖APh](wB+-ޥUn ґh\N0'Xs`|qUZ!)3mt 9"K !1AQa"q0B #2@CDR$EbrSs%3P ?dV!<}b1^؀no}DK{WzS\b9ONg޻]so}u%x@j=6(WxDy}P+s`zAADVaUVLY٣7'sNu=UI FuQӺH#0AЎ7xP|4O!Aݒ T\πoĠ@H"\D;[FU/$ܶqoC=vРEi2}9??gozҷƯE|ZO'mua@}GSj M(wql'vx5͵esmZWL\"{ql)i%H0Hﭫ-:ڿrUyh q!ua@}GSku~sh?agmddU T0q'4xwoyi_}3_ s6bDG᏾' N`C=vX1~?5z>2Ӱں?@?Ɖ{7'dټʳҳkI<.qrGU%\ p VA͸MHMLI>OâAȎ3_]c/ls6-H>8TUܥcVX>]I#VS "wS]㘫sBl"y'/j~jtV2׶䧴O| 1NVc)܍ږf;N\kIʮZ\R31)ާ88`ʋY'xpnGZw:Y.-Yϝ_knz$+ ` YzȆR A:۶ !B2`n̟*thĘ3q@9 \4LM("X GJ@Ԃ;I> &nFZ;KYIҒt _!hf9Ss []VP%=#`z( 2޶FWToDЏ-vȶvqJkh7F;ࠉHқm`08WSnf͢X9I\0:CgunP(S\ Kw :`ꮪ%Ywt G`2gGbg6 %8[WClF,21Xv} Gj I9ї`%~N퐥8p`h{mQض$[ AD7u olՎr([tj.nt¨OkRK4Ld)Zڒ둇g3ˑeLjuǁǝ1v{Vda$AGS ~z̷-lg]lE-ׅ*j@9𦲢F+A@wQ츍$2IF##mSf5"! =H9 ;"YGN0 T$<;ؕ!t24+#)36߻pTdhM5vHX%.1R x@m;aMձVK [2X8DT?7Ǔ*{bX ŕX PtG,$ϲ,!I-͒Ol&cr=9V#nRIm(˝6~-.1  :Ӿ˴vYųsCAG +u,p][HI \7Uq2l WIݷl{(HR1A[gbvzpA83~WkRs$iEŵ5PyF9Ų7qNoϘN##:=OMt,mի`@`dλɵ];v.->吜9;]=w !a.`O1w["U Su[cb,ť]♑[Ei[M!ș(Xfr2 mqwE1O$vtff&(ϗ,f⪨Iyqm(CٺCG"3Rہ p[P.,$Wmۺ rS2[JU",$$5#Jz3Ekġ$tN)l3.7/]pj&isSNnZFTЀd4x/{R E{Dw+0זڤn`#1i"xm[O]U&YIVm6ݴ.9k0G_, Pс 9nVx002 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@66666_HmH nH sH tH X`X mNormalx^$CJOJPJQJ_HaJmH sH tH b@b mHeading 1,H1 Agenda@&^ 5CJ^J\@\ mHeading 2,H2 Agenda & F $@&5^JDA D mDefault Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k ( m0No List << m container B*^Jph{{&O& mpOJQJ4@4 mHeader  H$B/!B m Header CharCJOJPJQJaJ4 24 m0Footer  H$B/AB m0 Footer CharCJOJPJQJaJn/Qn mHeading 1 Char,H1 Agenda Char5CJOJPJQJ^JaJn/an mHeading 2 Char,H2 Agenda Char5CJOJPJQJ^JaJ6U`q6 m Hyperlink >*B*phZJZ m Subtitle,Time $^5CJ^JaJb/b mSubtitle Char,Time Char5CJOJPJQJ^JaJf!f m0Subtle Emphasis,Header Title5CJOJQJ\aJRv!R m0Unresolved MentionB*ph`^\q PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vj\{cp/IDg6wZ0s=Dĵw %;r,qlEآyDQ"Q,=c8B,!gxMD&铁M./SAe^QשF½|SˌDإbj|E7C<bʼNpr8fnߧFrI.{1fVԅ$21(t}kJV1/ ÚQL×07#]fVIhcMZ6/Hߏ bW`Gv Ts'BCt!LQ#JxݴyJ] C:= ċ(tRQ;^e1/-/A_Y)^6(p[_&N}njzb\->;nVb*.7p]M|MMM# ud9c47=iV7̪~㦓ødfÕ 5j z'^9J{rJЃ3Ax| FU9…i3Q/B)LʾRPx)04N O'> agYeHj*kblC=hPW!alfpX OAXl:XVZbr Zy4Sw3?WӊhPxzSq]y k2 a t{~Pa 8XX@ @ 0(  B S  ?(    ZTextBox 100002"? 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