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The higher ed research and marketing firm will highlight what they have learned through research and discovery, present the brand platform, and discuss next steps working with Marketing and Communications to develop messaging and creative concepts. Proposed Action: No Action Required BREAK 10:20 AM Resolution Accepting Gift Under Trust 10:30 AM In 2005, the ϲʿ2023 Foundation accepted a gift of $2 million from Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hodges, Jr. The gift was conditioned on the University naming the soccer/track stadium Hodges Stadium in perpetuity. The Stadium has been so named. The University is now the beneficiary of one-third (1/3) of the remainder of the Kernan R. Hodges Estate and the Kernan R. Hodges Trust. The devise of the remainder (a sum of money) from the Estate under the Trust to the University is conditioned on the University acknowledging and agreeing: (1) that the Hodges Stadium facility will be named HODGES STADIUM in perpetuity; and (2) that the sum of money devised under the Trust will only be used for the specific benefit of Hodges Stadium. The University also waives the Trustees conflict of interest in purchasing a home owned by the Trust. Chris Wrenn, Deputy General Counsel, will present this item. Proposed Action: Adoption of Resolution; Motion and Second Required Proposed New Major added to Existing Degree MS in Fintech 10:35 AM A new FinTech major will be added to the existing MS degree and major Business Analytics to be implemented Fall 2024. The FinTech major will specifically focus on finance and banking. FinTech is the application of new computing technologies, such as machine learning and AI, to traditional problems in finance, and particularly to banking. The new major directly supports ϲʿ2023 Strategic Plan priorities and supports multiple SUS Strategic Goals while also being under a CIP code on the updated SUS Program of Strategic Emphasis list. Dr. John Kantner, Senior Associate Provost for Faculty and Research will present this item for information purposes. Proposed Action: No Action Required Proposed New Major BS in Environmental Science 10:40 AM The overall purpose of the B.S. in Environmental Science is to meet the interdisciplinary educational needs of students in environmental science, increase mission-aligned degree offerings at ϲʿ2023, and contribute to the environmental science workforce in Florida. The proposed program of study will offer two concentrations: Environmental Natural Sciences; and Environmental Principles and Practice. Dr. John Kantner, Senior Associate Provost for Faculty and Research will present this item. Proposed Action: Approval; Motion and Second Required Accountability Plan including Review and Endorsement of the Board of Governors Statement of Free Expression 10:45 AM A. Review and Endorsement of the Board of Governors Statement of Free Expression The Board of Governors recommends that each university's Accountability Plan and Strategic Plan include a specific endorsement of the Board's Statement of Free Expression, as well as a clear expectation for open-minded and tolerant civil discourse throughout the campus community. The Board of Governors Civil Discourse Final Report, adopted in January 2022, recommends that each university's Accountability Plan include a specific endorsement of the Board's Statement of Free Expression, as well as a clear expectation for open-minded and tolerant civil discourse throughout the campus community. Additionally, the Final Report recommends that the leadership that the university board of trustees annually review and endorse the Board's Statement of Free Expression and commit to the principles of civil discourse. President Limayem will present this item for Board consideration. Proposed Action: Endorsement; Motion and Second Required B. Accountability Plan As a part of the Board of Governors planning and accountability framework for the State University System (SUS), institutions are required to complete an Annual Accountability Plan that provides an institutional overview as measured by specific performance metrics within the context of BOG System Strategic Plan, and regional and statewide needs. President Limayem and Abby Willcox, Associate Vice President of Institutional Research & Performance will present the ϲʿ2023s 2024 Accountability Plan for the Boards consideration and approval. Proposed Action: Approval; Motion and Second Required Consent Agenda 11:30 AM Board of Trustees -2.25.24 Board of Trustee Meeting Minutes Finance and Facilities Committee -Athletic Funding Strategic Plan Monitoring and Implementation Committee -Approval Strategic Plan Monitoring and Implementation Committee Charter ***Prepare plates for a Working Lunch*** 11:35 AM Identification of Risk for Institutions 11:50 AM Julia Hann, Chief Audit Officer, and Robyn Blank, Chief Compliance Officer, will update the Board on the growth of ϲʿ2023s Enterprise Risk Management program and lead the Board in a discussion of identified risks and mitigation strategies. This discussion follows recommendations from AGBs Dr. Carol Cartwright about Board involvement in risk management. Proposed Action: No Action Required Round Table Discussion and Follow-Up 12:20 PM Adjournment 12:45 PM ----- Optional Tour of Athletic Facility lead by Nick Morrow, Athletic Director     Board of Trustees Meeting ϲʿ2023 Apr 25, 2024 at 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Bank of England Suite @ ϲʿ2023 Arena  @APQjk  6 7 j k  E O k t k t   k t j t jtϭ$h_h_^J_HmHnHsHtH$h_hm^J_HmHnHsHtH*h_hm5\^J_HmHnHsHtHhBN_HmHnHtH h_hm_HmHnHsHtH h_hmh2d#hmCJ h2d#hmh_hm^J5AQ 7   Hgd_gdb & F&hh^&gdb `gdWgdbgdbgd2d#^gdbGHlv _k_k#$_k_k_k_k_kݴݭݭ&hbhm5\_HmHnHsHtH h_hm_HmHnHsHtH h_hm$h_h_^J_HmHnHsHtH*h_hm5\^J_HmHnHsHtH$h_hm^J_HmHnHsHtHheO^J_HmHnHsHtH1$<ZhgdeO`gdWgdb 0^`0gdb `gdWgdeOgdb`gdW`l;<^jXYZ[hjYfYf./3@ӿӮӚӉll*h_hm6]^J_HmHnHsHtH h_hm heOhBN_HmHnHsHtH&hbhm5\_HmHnHsHtH heOhm_HmHnHsHtH&h_hm5\_HmHnHsHtH h_hm_HmHnHsHtHh2d#_HmHnHsHtHheO_HmHnHsHtH$/AkQ 9NTgdbgdeO $gdBN `gdW  & FhhgdeOgdBNgdbgdBNgdb`gdW@Aejk3PQc5e  &/589DEMNST]~uiheOhBN0J5\h_hBN^J hBN5^J hBNhm h_hBNhBN*h_hm5\^J_HmHnHsHtHheO^J_HmHnHsHtH h_hm*h_hm6]^J_HmHnHsHtH$h_hBN^J_HmHnHsHtH$h_hm^J_HmHnHsHtH&]ev  & ' ( ) * + , - . / žܲjhbUhb h_hbh_hb5CJ^Jjh_hbUh&Ajh&AUheOhBN0J5\heOhm0J5\# & ' ( ) + , - . / gdeOgdb^gdb ^gdb (^gdbgdb(/ =!"#$% Dd 6  3 ARvǮ7%x.Tb$D5FvǮ7%x.Tb$JFIF  !"-&,#+2)+-0322!%8=93<.354  0%%20-0-022220200122225222222221222222222222222252252"3 @kbGVm@Huua#E†Nna&y NWɤNO"֣ixijQ *WN:;GW7ܒy8vt=3\iIa=hLKbV:sfac m_vawM>V$)fmE46N/X/4Vr! 0L^CIeFf@2 35@!%01T"24A#S dt^'omcV]q#\E{d|$hw+n؞.Gzk[l9-<a# SE#^sW2r4:q#TsVPJ%# Vjc/I"2-選6rGrS^DT[DacY'rsc\RBvه aʲ葕laFt܎Į3+"R2[#N97FҘ9BOG& Y/K"@5RvueФ~a EAo$UE2NѮ] QD%UU]8(XJ_gtDjZ19FԒ%+8[Mp UZ25$6{ՅH{O'U:Ҵ$p ZްAJ.NQ)_?O؂XPɿ'.ȪMsV+'ڟj/ڟ1!I*g5qKȉG"R\>FF !ai&BUcQO7tҳ$f h)e'لYelO*|bIⷋ 8[Or G\j椠%lګm9qWć>P ⯃8ilq[Ņ-l-KgAXP'A,CM];8C LbW0?SZ6tfI{Wag #yR܌o3ZdT-0t謢*AyD|⯃4YXOZ~aZdM/J@,JG:w"O3{M/LT OfViH9-p@#|O5_,1Hjio`);F G[z:̳ԫϲr{QQSZiu?THXѫ8y9aen2bĈWk \ڙ; [쬋:SSv;lg$`ɵv2Il*3:NV5Z`Tzh@3$<ӈQ!J`3+DTof'ypi{aCa>IVdsjnR6DWkg=Mzs.{EUPL wA PiDkV9} fƩnDZl@-%#tZjX I olj2[8橊pdUrH8-)~MFYG․Î+-Z>` }UTiC 儉@t4}|=䵲aӻNE;-A&4$ԑdtl$(Z`Um9\ LA0, AȄe : E tR%%v'F8͐oDnf~[n*}♿%T@K"u |Ni3Cx=' \IDbHXN%e!ȝ5Zڗ˯LҔN.LMB&-nivdZLdE ԵXXtU"{ytdTNrC=]Yh + 䚴,9rܾkCXX )*dʍeŵv`gŃl[c$Q4%J%hNBq ՠ!=<} =oBtleNYXRc9fG)OkdHВ$WB;4c80-c((`*j #lD"#tEےٶmfٶmmfٶmfٶmfٶm$!1 203ABQ`?rG 7 =f7G-{rMCY{H~PfVT;Q<x|zCY 4mEKllv9)1=FFGg ڇƽMw;vU9( m  ,AփZ\Y,rib(6:cbXz/!A1 "3Qq4Ba#02`?cd~W)loLə6B?=r`#G|;O,_xc>DtOo,m : CNktbu\@x?X_c/ejڌiM-Џ0EYmn-9g9@4v8e>`,#֖APh](wB+-ޥUn ґh\N0'Xs`|qUZ!)3mt 9"K !1AQa"q0B #2@CDR$EbrSs%3P ?dV!<}b1^؀no}DK{WzS\b9ONg޻]so}u%x@j=6(WxDy}P+s`zAADVaUVLY٣7'sNu=UI FuQӺH#0AЎ7xP|4O!Aݒ T\πoĠ@H"\D;[FU/$ܶqoC=vРEi2}9??gozҷƯE|ZO'mua@}GSj M(wql'vx5͵esmZWL\"{ql)i%H0Hﭫ-:ڿrUyh q!ua@}GSku~sh?agmddU T0q'4xwoyi_}3_ s6bDG᏾' N`C=vX1~?5z>2Ӱں?@?Ɖ{7'dټʳҳkI<.qrGU%\ p VA͸MHMLI>OâAȎ3_]c/ls6-H>8TUܥcVX>]I#VS "wS]㘫sBl"y'/j~jtV2׶䧴O| 1NVc)܍ږf;N\kIʮZ\R31)ާ88`ʋY'xpnGZw:Y.-Yϝ_knz$+ ` YzȆR A:۶ !B2`n̟*thĘ3q@9 \4LM("X GJ@Ԃ;I> &nFZ;KYIҒt _!hf9Ss []VP%=#`z( 2޶FWToDЏ-vȶvqJkh7F;ࠉHқm`08WSnf͢X9I\0:CgunP(S\ Kw :`ꮪ%Ywt G`2gGbg6 %8[WClF,21Xv} Gj I9ї`%~N퐥8p`h{mQض$[ AD7u olՎr([tj.nt¨OkRK4Ld)Zڒ둇g3ˑeLjuǁǝ1v{Vda$AGS ~z̷-lg]lE-ׅ*j@9𦲢F+A@wQ츍$2IF##mSf5"! =H9 ;"YGN0 T$<;ؕ!t24+#)36߻pTdhM5vHX%.1R x@m;aMձVK [2X8DT?7Ǔ*{bX ŕX PtG,$ϲ,!I-͒Ol&cr=9V#nRIm(˝6~-.1  :Ӿ˴vYųsCAG +u,p][HI \7Uq2l WIݷl{(HR1A[gbvzpA83~WkRs$iEŵ5PyF9Ų7qNoϘN##:=OMt,mի`@`dλɵ];v.->吜9;]=w !a.`O1w["U Su[cb,ť]♑[Ei[M!ș(Xfr2 mqwE1O$vtff&(ϗ,f⪨Iyqm(CٺCG"3Rہ p[P.,$Wmۺ rS2[JU",$$5#Jz3Ekġ$tN)l3.7/]pj&isSNnZFTЀd4x/{R E{Dw+0זڤn`#1i"xm[O]U&YIVm6ݴ.9k0G_, Pс 9nVx002 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@66666_HmH nH sH tH X`X bNormalx^$CJOJPJQJ_HaJmH sH tH b`b 2d#Heading 1,H1 Agenda@&^ 5CJ^J\@\ bHeading 2,H2 Agenda & F $@&5^JDA D bDefault Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k ( b0No List << b container B*^Jph{{&O& bpOJQJn/n 2d#Heading 1 Char,H1 Agenda Char5CJOJPJQJ^JaJn/!n bHeading 2 Char,H2 Agenda Char5CJOJPJQJ^JaJ6U 16 b Hyperlink >*B*phZJZ b Subtitle,Time $^5CJ^JaJb/Qb bSubtitle Char,Time Char5CJOJPJQJ^JaJ4@b4 bHeader  H$B/qB b Header CharCJOJPJQJaJ4 4 b0Footer  H$B/B b0 Footer CharCJOJPJQJaJf!f b0Subtle Emphasis,Header Title5CJOJQJ\aJ.X@. eOEmphasis6]PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vj\{cp/IDg6wZ0s=Dĵw %;r,qlEآyDQ"Q,=c8B,!gxMD&铁M./SAe^QשF½|SˌDإbj|E7C<bʼNpr8fnߧFrI.{1fVԅ$21(t}kJV1/ ÚQL×07#]fVIhcMZ6/Hߏ bW`Gv Ts'BCt!LQ#JxݴyJ] C:= ċ(tRQ;^e1/-/A_Y)^6(p[_&N}njzb\->;nVb*.7p]M|MMM# ud9c47=iV7̪~㦓ødfÕ 5j z'^9J{rJЃ3Ax| FU9…i3Q/B)LʾRPx)04N O'> agYeHj*kblC=hPW!alfpX OAXl:XVZbr Zy4Sw3?WӊhPxzSq]y //X4 @]/ / @ @ 0(  B S  ?(    `TextBox 100002"?   2T()-0@Q7GH# $  ;<YZ/@Ajk ()-033;;<<//TT))**,,0;;<<//TT))**,,0`q^`5CJOJQJ^JaJo(.^`5o(.pLp^p`L5o(.@ @ ^@ `5o(.^`o(.L^`Lo(.^`o(.^`o(.PLP^P`Lo(.^`^`pLp^p`L@ @ ^@ `^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L.  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