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President's Remarks and Update on Presidential Goals 9:35 AM President Limayem will update the Board on the progress of 2023-24 Presidential Goals, including: Strategic Plan Priority: Inspire Relevant Research and Impactful Innovation Dr. John Kantner, Senior Associate Provost of Faculty & Research will present an update on ϲʿ2023 Research. Strategic Plan Priority: Accelerate the Success of Faculty and Staff Vice President Bennett and John Hale, Associate Vice President of Administration and Finance, will present the Space Utilization Study. Proposed Action: No Action Required Committee Reports 10:35 AM Academic and Student Affairs Committee The committee met on February 22, 2024. Chair Egan will provide a report to the Board. Audit and Compliance Committee The committee met on February 15, 2024. Chair McElroy will provide a report to the Board. Finance and Facilities Committee The committee met on February 22, 2024. Chair Gol will provide a report to the Board. Governance Committee The committee met on February 15, 2024. Chair Hyde will provide a report to the Board. Consent Agenda 10:45 AM From the Academic and Student Affairs Committee - Draft November 16, 2023, Academic and Student Affairs Committee Meeting Minutes - Amended Reg: 5.0010R Student Conduct Code - Amended Reg: 2.0470R Financial Aid From the Audit and Compliance Committee - Draft November 16, 2023 Audit and Compliance Committee Meeting Minutes - Performance-Based Funding Data Integrity Audit From the Finance and Facilities Committee - Draft November 16, 2023, Finance and Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes - Amended Reg: 1.0030R Disruptive Behavior - Amended Reg: 4.0010R Personnel Programs - Honors Residence Hall Conservation Easement From the Governance Committee - Draft November 16, 2023, Governance Committee Meeting Minutes Proposed Action: Approval; Motion and Second Required ***BREAK *** 10:50 AM Board of Trustees Elections 11:00 AM The ϲʿ2023 Board of Trustees Bylaws outline that, every two years, the Board of Trustees will elect its Chair and Vice Chair. Accordingly, the Board will hold elections for these positions. Selection Procedures Per Board of Trustees Bylaws: Section 6. Selection of Officers and Terms of Office The Board shall elect a Chair and Vice Chair from the appointed members at its first regular meeting after January 1. The Chair and Vice Chair shall serve a 2-year term to begin immediately upon selection. The Chair and Vice-Chair shall be eligible for reselection for an additional consecutive 2-year term, except that for each additional consecutive term beyond two terms, by a two-thirds vote, the Board of Trustees may reselect the Chair for additional consecutive 2-year terms. Proposed Action: Approval; Motion and Second Required *** Prepare lunch plates for working lunch*** 11:15 AM BOT Roundtable Discussion: New and Follow-up Items 11:35 AM Adjournment 12:30 PM     BOT Quarterly Meeting ϲʿ2023 February 26, 2024 at 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM Adam W. 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