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Proposed Action: No Action Required Performance-Based Funding Data Integrity Audit 12:20 PM Ms. Julia Hann, Chief Audit Executive, will address the Committee and share observations from the recent Performance-Based Funding Data Integrity Audit. Further, Dr. Abby Willcox, Associate Vice President of Institutional Research and Performance will highlight some of the strategic data dashboards used by the colleges. Proposed Action: Approval; Motion and Second Required Office of Internal Auditing (OIA) Quarterly Update 12:35 PM Ms. Julia Hann will address the Committee and provide updates on audits conducted since her previous update to the Board. She will also discuss outstanding audit recommendations in progress by management, as well as provide updates on the audit workplan. Proposed Action: No Action Required Enterprise Risk Management Update 12:40 PM Ms. Robyn Blank, Associate Vice President and Chief Compliance and Ethics Officer, and Julia Hann, Chief Audit Executive will address the committee to provide a brief update on risk management discussions by the Universitys Compliance Ethics Risk Oversight Committee. Proposed Action: No Action Required Independent Accountants Report on Agreed upon Procedures Intercollegiate Athletics Program 12:45 PM Vice President Bennett will address the Committee and discuss the Athletics Program Agreed Upon Procedures Report for the year ending June 30, 2023. Proposed Action: No Action Required State Fiscal Recovery Fund (SFRF) Monitoring by Ernst & Young 12:48 PM Vice President Bennett will address the Committee and discuss the Governors Office engagement with Ernest & Young to conduct a risk assessment and compliance review of all programs funded through this program. Proposed Action: No Action Required Annual Review of Audit and Compliance Committee Charter 12:50 PM The Audit and Compliance Committee charter is the governing document for the committee and includes areas of responsibility and authority. The charter is reviewed annually and changes are recommended as needed. Committee members will review and consider the proposed changes. Robyn Blank, Chief Compliance Officer, will present this item. Proposed Action: No Action Required. Adjournment 1:00 PM     Audit & Compliance Committee Meeting ϲʿ2023 Feb 15, 2024 at 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM Virtual KMN^_y     < = ` a i j y   F G y  / 0 g h y y ˊˊˊ.hZ1h=;V5PJ\^J_HmHnHsHtH*hZ1h=;V5PJ\_HmHnHsHtH$hZ1h=;VPJ_HmHnHsHtH(hZ1h=;VPJ^J_HmHnHsHtHhSh=;VPJ hSh=;VhZ1h=;VCJ hZ1h=;V6N_ = j  G 0 h  BmzgdSgdZ1gdSgdZ1gdNgdSgdS $^a$gdS   y .Blmwwyz  VW h* "h=;VPJ^J_HmHnHsHtH(hZ1hZ1PJ^J_HmHnHsHtHhS.hZ1h=;V5PJ\^J_HmHnHsHtH hZ1h=;V(hZ1h=;VPJ^J_HmHnHsHtH<W2V^^gdS (^gdSgdR $xgdZ1gdZ1gdS2KMUV^_`abɻh=;VhRhSCJPJ^JhZ1hSCJPJ^JhZ1hS5CJPJ^JjhSUmHnHuhijhiUhZ1h=;VPJ^J hZ1h=;Vh* hZ1h* ^_`ab $x(/ =!"#$% FvǮ7%x.Tb$JFIF  !"-&,#+2)+-0322!%8=93<.354  0%%20-0-022220200122225222222221222222222222222252252"3 @kbGVm@Huua#E†Nna&y NWɤNO"֣ixijQ *WN:;GW7ܒy8vt=3\iIa=hLKbV:sfac m_vawM>V$)fmE46N/X/4Vr! 0L^CIeFf@2 35@!%01T"24A#S dt^'omcV]q#\E{d|$hw+n؞.Gzk[l9-<a# SE#^sW2r4:q#TsVPJ%# Vjc/I"2-選6rGrS^DT[DacY'rsc\RBvه aʲ葕laFt܎Į3+"R2[#N97FҘ9BOG& Y/K"@5RvueФ~a EAo$UE2NѮ] QD%UU]8(XJ_gtDjZ19FԒ%+8[Mp UZ25$6{ՅH{O'U:Ҵ$p ZްAJ.NQ)_?O؂XPɿ'.ȪMsV+'ڟj/ڟ1!I*g5qKȉG"R\>FF !ai&BUcQO7tҳ$f h)e'لYelO*|bIⷋ 8[Or G\j椠%lګm9qWć>P ⯃8ilq[Ņ-l-KgAXP'A,CM];8C LbW0?SZ6tfI{Wag #yR܌o3ZdT-0t謢*AyD|⯃4YXOZ~aZdM/J@,JG:w"O3{M/LT OfViH9-p@#|O5_,1Hjio`);F G[z:̳ԫϲr{QQSZiu?THXѫ8y9aen2bĈWk \ڙ; [쬋:SSv;lg$`ɵv2Il*3:NV5Z`Tzh@3$<ӈQ!J`3+DTof'ypi{aCa>IVdsjnR6DWkg=Mzs.{EUPL wA PiDkV9} fƩnDZl@-%#tZjX I olj2[8橊pdUrH8-)~MFYG․Î+-Z>` }UTiC 儉@t4}|=䵲aӻNE;-A&4$ԑdtl$(Z`Um9\ LA0, AȄe : E tR%%v'F8͐oDnf~[n*}♿%T@K"u |Ni3Cx=' \IDbHXN%e!ȝ5Zڗ˯LҔN.LMB&-nivdZLdE ԵXXtU"{ytdTNrC=]Yh + 䚴,9rܾkCXX )*dʍeŵv`gŃl[c$Q4%J%hNBq ՠ!=<} =oBtleNYXRc9fG)OkdHВ$WB;4c80-c((`*j #lD"#tEےٶmfٶmmfٶmfٶmfٶm$!1 203ABQ`?rG 7 =f7G-{rMCY{H~PfVT;Q<x|zCY 4mEKllv9)1=FFGg ڇƽMw;vU9( m  ,AփZ\Y,rib(6:cbXz/!A1 "3Qq4Ba#02`?cd~W)loLə6B?=r`#G|;O,_xc>DtOo,m : CNktbu\@x?X_c/ejڌiM-Џ0EYmn-9g9@4v8e>`,#֖APh](wB+-ޥUn ґh\N0'Xs`|qUZ!)3mt 9"K !1AQa"q0B #2@CDR$EbrSs%3P ?dV!<}b1^؀no}DK{WzS\b9ONg޻]so}u%x@j=6(WxDy}P+s`zAADVaUVLY٣7'sNu=UI FuQӺH#0AЎ7xP|4O!Aݒ T\πoĠ@H"\D;[FU/$ܶqoC=vРEi2}9??gozҷƯE|ZO'mua@}GSj M(wql'vx5͵esmZWL\"{ql)i%H0Hﭫ-:ڿrUyh q!ua@}GSku~sh?agmddU T0q'4xwoyi_}3_ s6bDG᏾' N`C=vX1~?5z>2Ӱں?@?Ɖ{7'dټʳҳkI<.qrGU%\ p VA͸MHMLI>OâAȎ3_]c/ls6-H>8TUܥcVX>]I#VS "wS]㘫sBl"y'/j~jtV2׶䧴O| 1NVc)܍ږf;N\kIʮZ\R31)ާ88`ʋY'xpnGZw:Y.-Yϝ_knz$+ ` YzȆR A:۶ !B2`n̟*thĘ3q@9 \4LM("X GJ@Ԃ;I> &nFZ;KYIҒt _!hf9Ss []VP%=#`z( 2޶FWToDЏ-vȶvqJkh7F;ࠉHқm`08WSnf͢X9I\0:CgunP(S\ Kw :`ꮪ%Ywt G`2gGbg6 %8[WClF,21Xv} Gj I9ї`%~N퐥8p`h{mQض$[ AD7u olՎr([tj.nt¨OkRK4Ld)Zڒ둇g3ˑeLjuǁǝ1v{Vda$AGS ~z̷-lg]lE-ׅ*j@9𦲢F+A@wQ츍$2IF##mSf5"! =H9 ;"YGN0 T$<;ؕ!t24+#)36߻pTdhM5vHX%.1R x@m;aMձVK [2X8DT?7Ǔ*{bX ŕX PtG,$ϲ,!I-͒Ol&cr=9V#nRIm(˝6~-.1  :Ӿ˴vYųsCAG +u,p][HI \7Uq2l WIݷl{(HR1A[gbvzpA83~WkRs$iEŵ5PyF9Ų7qNoϘN##:=OMt,mի`@`dλɵ];v.->吜9;]=w !a.`O1w["U Su[cb,ť]♑[Ei[M!ș(Xfr2 mqwE1O$vtff&(ϗ,f⪨Iyqm(CٺCG"3Rہ p[P.,$Wmۺ rS2[JU",$$5#Jz3Ekġ$tN)l3.7/]pj&isSNnZFTЀd4x/{R E{Dw+0זڤn`#1i"xm[O]U&YIVm6ݴ.9k0G_, Pс 9nVx002 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@66666_HmH nH sH tH P`P SNormal ^ CJOJQJ_HaJmH sH tH d@d SHeading 1,H1 Agenda$@&a$5CJPJ^Jd@d SHeading 2,H2 Agenda & F $x@& 5PJ^JDA`D SDefault Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k ( S0No List 6U 6 S Hyperlink >*B*ph@@ S containerB*PJ^Jph{{&O& SpOJQJ4@"4 SHeader  H$>/1> S Header CharCJOJQJaJ4 B4 S0Footer  H$>/Q> S0 Footer CharCJOJQJaJn/an SHeading 1 Char,H1 Agenda Char5CJOJPJQJ^JaJn/qn SHeading 2 Char,H2 Agenda Char5CJOJPJQJ^JaJbJb S Subtitle,Time $x^5CJPJ^JaJb/b SSubtitle Char,Time Char5CJOJPJQJ^JaJf!f S0Subtle Emphasis,Header Title5CJOJQJ\aJPK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭Vj\{cp/IDg6wZ0s=Dĵw %;r,qlEآyDQ"Q,=c8B,!gxMD&铁M./SAe^QשF½|SˌDإbj|E7C<bʼNpr8fnߧFrI.{1fVԅ$21(t}kJV1/ ÚQL×07#]fVIhcMZ6/Hߏ bW`Gv Ts'BCt!LQ#JxݴyJ] C:= ċ(tRQ;^e1/-/A_Y)^6(p[_&N}njzb\->;nVb*.7p]M|MMM# ud9c47=iV7̪~㦓ødfÕ 5j z'^9J{rJЃ3Ax| FU9…i3Q/B)LʾRPx)04N O'> agYeHj*kblC=hPW!alfpX OAXl:XVZbr Zy4Sw3?WӊhPxzSq]y b " ||||| b ^b t ,R$vǮ7%x.Tb$*"@ 0(  B S  ?(  V  C A"` keJT ` c _<jG  /hAmyz  W : > ` c 3NN__==``aaiijj    hhBBcc   W W c NN__==``aaiijj    hhBBcc   W W c nCP^`5CJOJQJ^JaJo(.^`5o(.pLp^p`L5o(.@ @ ^@ `5o(.^`o(.L^`Lo(.^`o(.^`o(.PLP^P`Lo(.^`^`pLp^p`L@ @ ^@ `^`.L^`L.^`.^`.PLP^P`L. 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