Regulations & Policies
Academic Affairs - Faculty
Part-time Faculty - Active Status |
Number: | 2.0940P |
Policy Status:
New Responsible Division/Department: Academic Affairs |
Effective Date: | 09/28/16 | |
Revised Date: |
To establish policy to govern active part-time faculty status and the services provided.
Upon Academic Affairs approval of a part-time faculty file, the part-time faculty member is categorized as being in an active status. The part-time faculty member will remain in an active status until a break in service-no instructional assignment for three consecutive semesters-occurs.
When a break in service occurs, the faculty role will be disabled in Banner and university network access, including LMS access, will be terminated. If the university wishes to rehire the part-time faculty member, another background check will be required and the part-time faculty file will need to be submitted to Academic Affairs for consideration of rehire.