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Regulations and Policies

Regulations & Policies

Academic Affairs - Enrollment Services


To establish a policy whereby a student may petition or appeal a grade.


Faculty Association


Students may petition a change in final evaluative grade relating to individual courses through the procedure established by the Faculty Association. Said appeal, however, is limited to a period of 90 days from the date the grade was assigned.


Students may petition a change of grade through the academic grievance procedure, which requires a student to attempt to resolve the grade grievance with the instructor. If the instructor agrees, he or she will provide a change of grade to Enrollment Services Processing. If the instructor does not approve the grade change, the student may then petition the department chairperson. If the Chair concurs with the instructor's decision, the student may appeal to the Dean. Neither the Chair nor Dean may override the instructor's decision and issue a change of grade without the faculty member's concurrence.

If the student's petition for an Academic grade appeal has been denied by the Dean, the student may submit an appeal in writing or electronically (using the online to the University Academic Appeals Committee through the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

The Chairperson of the University Academic Appeals Committee will send the date, time, location, and procedures of the hearing to the student, faculty members, Chairperson, and College Dean at least ten (10) calendar days in advance of the hearing. Once a hearing date is scheduled and communicated, it may not be rescheduled by any involved party unless there is a documented emergency. If either the student or the College representatives should fail to appear at the scheduled hearing, the hearing may proceed in his or her absence. A hearing must be rescheduled if the Committee fails to reach quorum.

The University Academic Appeals Committee recommends its decision to the University's Provost. The Provost may override the instructor's decision, and the President may override the decision of the Provost (if necessary.)

The student will be informed of the Provost's decision in writing or electronically in an e-mail. A copy of said decision will be forwarded to the Registrar who will process the decision without the need for the completion of an official grade change form.

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