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Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Health Administration

Program Mission Statement

Mission: The Mission of the Master in Health Administration Program is to prepare individuals in the southeast United States to serve as effective managers and leaders in health services organizations. This is achieved by offering full- and part-time students the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills necessary for entry-level health services positions or advance in established careers. The Program's focus reflects the University's mission of excellence in education, scholarship and community-based service.

Student Learning Outcomes

Graduates will be able:

Knowledge of Literature of Discipline (req)

Apply knowledge and theory in healthcare organizational design, finance, strategic planning, and quality assessment.

Independent Research/ Professional Practice (req)

Demonstrate capabilities in independent research and professional practice by successfully completing a field-based capstone project or specific course project requiring independent problem analysis, project design, and development.

Professional Skills (opt)

  • Obtain skills in business analysis, problem solving, management, leadership, and professionalism by successfully completing one semester internship or one year residency in a healthcare organization.
  • Demonstrate management and leadership skills in organizational, awareness, health policy and regulation, collaboration, human resource management, and governance.

Communication (opt)

Display competence in oral, written, and visual communication.

Critical Thinking (opt)

Assess and evaluate critical thinking, business planning, and problem solving skills.

Assessment Approaches

Individual Course Specific Case Studies, Capstone Project, Healthcare Organization Quality Management Plan, Healthcare Marketing Plan, Quantitative Analysis Project and Case Studies. Program competencies were mapped course assignments and student progress toward mastery of competencies are assessed to document student skill development. The Program assesses student progress towards mastery of the competencies at the Program level through the MHA Advising and Competency Assessment Center (Assessment Center) capability Canvas site. At the culmination of each course, Program faculty transfers student competency assessment data into the Assessment Center site. Student competency performance can be measured and assessed by: student, cohort, class, and Program level.

In addition, we have implemented a pre- and post-Program Assessment of student perception of competency levels for all Program competencies (Appendix 4.A.). These six competencies were revised in fall 2011. The pre-Program assessment is administered in the first semester of HSA6186: Healthcare Leadership and later moved to its own Canvas site. The post-Program assessment is administered along with the Program's Exit Interview at the time the student completes their practicum or residency which occurs just prior to graduation. A written report is Student Self-Assessment Report is developed and analyzed by faculty for curriculum enhancement or changes (Appendix 4.B.).