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Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Communication Bachelor of Science

Program Mission Statement

The undergraduate Bachelor of Science in Communication major is primarily concerned with professional applications of communication in traditional and emerging media, strategic communication (advertising and public relations), and organizations. Within this context the mission of the School of Communication is to discover, integrate, and disseminate applied and theoretical knowledge about human and mediated communication processes and effects as they relate to individuals, groups, and society. We are committed to high quality teaching that prepares students for lifelong learning and professional careers in communication; scholarship that advances knowledge of communication and enhances the reputation of the university, and service to the university, academic and professional communities, and to northeast Florida. To achieve our mission, students engage in learning activities inside and outside the classroom, such as participating in media internships and community-based learning, producing news programs, and creating advertising and public relations campaigns for clients.

Student Learning Outcomes

Graduates will be able to:

Content/Discipline-Specific Knowledge/Skills

  • Apply appropriate theoretical concepts of communication in academic and professionally oriented work. 
  • Apply research methods appropriate to the communication professions to address relevant communication problems. Such methods include quantitative and qualitative research applied in primary and secondary research. 
  • Apply the tools and technologies of the communications professions in the creation and dissemination of messages appropriate for professional practice 
  • Understand and apply the principles and laws of freedom of speech and press embodied in the First Amendment and describe their importance in a democracy. 
  • Demonstrate understanding of the history of communication media and professions and the role of key communication professionals and institutions in shaping them.

Communication Skills

Communicate clearly and accurately through written, oral, and mediated forms appropriate to the study of communication and professional practice.

Critical Thinking Skills

  • Conduct reasoned evaluation of information to assess its relevance, accuracy, purpose, and meaning.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the diversity of both domestic society and the peoples and cultures of global society and of the significance and impact of mass communications in society.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of professional ethical principles and the relationship between ethics and law; apply ethical principles to communication professional practice.

Assessment Approaches

The Communication Program will utilize direct and indirect measures to assess student mastery of nine Student Learning Outcomes. Direct Measures will include examination at the start and end of the major and faculty evaluation of internship portfolios. Indirect Measures will include university surveys of graduating seniors and alumni surveys.