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First Aid Procedures


  • EH&S  620-2019  
  • Poison Control  549-4480 
  • Student Health Service 620-2900  
  • Fire Department 911 
  • Ambulance  911  
  • University Police 620-2800 ("0" on campus) 

Minor First Aid Treatment

First aid kits are stored in Natural Sciences labs, most departmental offices, employee lounges and Student Health Services. If you sustain an injury or are involved in an accident requiring minor first aid treatment: 

Inform your supervisor. Administer first aid treatment to the injury or wound. If a first aid kit is used, indicate usage on the accident investigation report. Access to a first aid kit is not intended to be a substitute for medical attention. Provide details for the completion of the accident investigation report. 

Emergency Medical Treatment

For emergency work-related injuries requiring professional medical assistance, management must first authorize treatment. If you sustain an injury requiring treatment other than first aid: 

Inform your supervisor. Notify the medical facility recommended by your department. Your supervisor will assist with arranging transportation as necessary. Provide details for the completion of the accident investigation report. 


In all cases requiring emergency medical treatment, immediately call or have a co-worker call, to request emergency medical assistance. 

WOUNDS: Minor: Cuts, lacerations, abrasions, or punctures 

  • Wash the wound using soap and water; rinse it well. 
  • Cover the wound using clean dressing. 
  • Major: Large, deep and bleeding 
  • Apply direct pressure to the wound with a bandage or cloth. 
  • Keep pressure on the wound until medical help arrives.


  • Do not move the victim unless lifesaving measures are necessary. 
  • If the victim must be moved, "splint" the injured area. Use a board, cardboard, or rolled newspaper as a splint. 
BURNS: Thermal (Heat) 
  • Rinse the burned area, without scrubbing it, and immerse it in cold water; do not use ice water. 
  • Blot dry the area and cover it using sterile gauze or a clean cloth. 

BURNS: Chemical 

Flush the exposed area with clean, cool water immediately for approximately 15 minutes. 

EYE INJURY: Small particles

  • Do not rub your eyes. 
  • Use the corner of a soft clean cloth to draw particles out, or hold the eyelids open and flush the eyes continuously with clean, cool water. 
  • Large or stuck particles 
  • If a particle is stuck in the eye, do not attempt to remove it. 
  • Cover both eyes with bandage. 

EYE INJURY: Chemical 

Immediately irrigate the eyes and under the eyelids with clean, cool water for approximately 15 minutes. 


If the victim appears to have injured his or her neck or spine, or is unable to move his or her arm or leg, do not attempt to move the victim unless lifesaving measures are necessary. 


  • Loosen the victim's tight clothing. 
  • Give the victim "sips" of cool water.
  • Make the victim lie down in a cooler place with the feet raised.