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2024-2025 University Catalog
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major: Chemistry

Degree: Bachelor of Science (BS) Concentration: Materials Chemistry 2024-2025

Osprey Map (Course Sequence Guide)

Prerequisites (32 credits)

CHM 2045/2045L General Chemistry I and Lab (4 credits)
Acceptable substitutes: CHMX040 & X041, or CHMX045C
Prerequisite: CHM1025 and CHM1025L with a "C" or higher

CHM 2046/2046L General Chemistry II and Lab (4 credits)
Acceptable substitutes: CHMX046C

CHM 2210 Organic Chemistry I
CHM 2210L Organic Chemistry I lab
CHM 2211 Organic Chemistry II
CHM 2211L Organic Chemistry II lab

MAC2311 (GM) Calculus I (4 Credits)
Acceptable substitutes: MACX281
Prerequisite: MAC1147 or Trigonometry and College Algebra (MAC1114 and MAC1105 or its equivalent) with a "C" or higher
MAC2312 (GM) Calculus II (4 Credits)
Acceptable substitutes: MACX282

(Students must complete Introduction to Physics, PHY 1028 with a "C" or higher to take Physics I)
PHY 2048C Calc-Based Physics I (4 credits)
PHY 2049 Calc-Based Physics II (3 credits)
PHY 2049L Calc-Based Physics II lab (1 credit)

Contextual Courses (14 credits)

BSC1010C General Biology I (4 Credits)
COP2220 Programming I (3 Credits)
MAC2313 (GM) Calculus III (4 Credits)
MAP2302 (GM) Ordinary Differ Equations (3 Credits)

Major Requirements (39 credits)

CHM3120 Quantitative Analytical Chem (3 Credits)
CHM 3120L Quantitative Analytical Chem Lab (1 credit)
Prerequisites: CHM 2046, CHM 2046L
BCH4033 Biochemistry I (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: BSC1010C, CHM 2211, CHM 2211L
CHM4410 Physical Chemistry I (3 Credits)
Prerequisite: CHM2046, CHM2046L, MAC 2312, PHY2049 or PHY 2054, PHY2049L or PHY 2054L
CHM4410L Physical Chemistry I Lab (1 credit)
Prerequisites: CHM2046, CHM2046L, MAC 2312, PHY2049 or PHY 2054, PHY2049L or PHY 2054L, CHM 3120L
CHM4411 Physical Chemistry II (3 Credits)
Offered Spring Term Only
CHM 4411L Physical Chemistry II Lab (1 credit)
Prerequisites: CHM 4410 and CHM 4410L
Offered Spring Term Only
CHM3610 Inorganic Chemistry (3 Credits)
CHM3610L Inorganic Chemistry Lab (1 credit)
Prerequisites: CHM 2211, CHM 3120, CHM 3120L CHM3610 must be taken in a term prior to CHM3610L
CHM4130 Modern Analytical Chemistry (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: CHM2211, CHM3120
CHM4130L Modern Analytical Chem Lab (1 Credit)
Prerequisites: CHM4410L
CHM4931 Senior Seminar In Chemistry (1 Credit)
Prerequisites: CHM4410
PHY3101 Modern Physics (3 Credits)
Prerequisites: PHY 2049
PHZ3113C Mathematical Physics (4 Credits)
Prerequisites: PHY 2049 and MAC 2313, Corequisite: MAP 2302
PHY3424C Optics with Laboratory (4 Credits)
Prerequisites: PHY 2049 & MAC2313
PHY3722C Electronics for Scientists (4 Credits)
Prerequisites: PHY 2049, PHY 2049L and MAC2312

Major Electives (6 credits)

CHM 3260 Advanced Organic Chemistry (3 credits) (3 credits)
Prerequisites: CHM2211
CHM 4612 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (3 credits)
Prerequisites: CHM3610 and CHM4410
CHM 4627 Solid State Chemistry (3 credits)
Prerequisites: CHM3610 and CHM4410
PHY 3404 Solid State Physics (3 credits)
Prerequisites: PHY3101
EMA 3010 Introduction to Materials Science & Engineering (3 credits)
Prerequisites: CHM2045 and CHM2045L
PHY 3604 Quantum Mechanics (3 credits)
Prerequisites: PHY3101, MAC2313, and MAP2302
BCH 4033L Biochemistry I Laboratory (1 credit)
Prerequisites: CHM3120L and Corequisite: BCH 4033
CHS 4610L Environmental Chemistry Laboratory (1 credit)
Corequisite: CHS 4610
CHM 4910 Chemical Research (2-4 credits)