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2024-2025 University Catalog
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major: Mathematical Science

Degree: Master of Science (MS) Concentration: Mathematics 2024-2025

Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics, or a related field with at least 3.0 GPA (or equivalent) in the major from an accredited university or college. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance to the program.

Major Requirements (18 credits)

Students must apply to graduate by the published deadline during their final semester.
Grades of B or better are required in all graduate courses.
A minimum of 32 semester hours are required for the degree.

MAS6145 Advanced Linear Algebra (3 Credits)
STA6446 Probability (3 Credits)
STA6166 Statistical Methods I (3 Credits)
STA6326 Mathematical Statistics I (3 Credits)
MAD6405 Numerical Analysis (3 Credits)
MAP6385 Scientific Computing (3 Credits)

Major Electives (14 credits)

Select one concentration (in consultation with the graduate advisor).
May include no more than 6 semester hours of thesis.

MAA 6417 Complex Analysis (3 credits)
MAA 6938 Topics in Applied Analysis (3 credits)
MAD 6115 Discrete Mathematical Structures (3 credits) 
MAP 6246 Linear Programming (3 credits) 
MAP 6195 Analysis of Large Data Sets (3 credits) 
MAP 6336 Ordinary Differential Equations (3 credits)
MAP 6345 Partial Differential Equations (3 credits)
MAP 6605 Topics in Financial Mathematics (3 credits)
MAP 6932 Topics in Optimization (3 credits)
MAS 6218 Topics in Number Theory (3 credits)
MAS 6311 Abstract Algebra (3 credits)
MAP 6489 Mathematical Biology (3 credits)
MAS 6933 Topics in Algebra (1-3 credits)
MAS 6938 Topics in Applied Algebra (3 credits)
MAT 5932 ST: Mathematical Science (1-3 credits)
MAT 6908 Directed Individual Study (1-3 credits)
MAT 6933 ST: Mathematics (1-3 credits)
MAT 6938 Seminar in Mathematics (1-3 credits)
MAT 6971 Thesis (1-3 credits)
STA 6666 Statistical Quality Control (3 credits)
STA 6703 Statistical Learning with Big Data (3 credits)